Our firm has gone through quite a bit of staffing changes in the last 5 years. In mid 2021, we had 2 out of 3 of our very experienced staff accountants leave within 60 days of each other, leaving us without staff, but also, no capacity for existing staff to train them.
We signed up for the Learning Management System (LMS) to train their replacements. This was very effective for us, and although one person did not work out for other reasons, and had to be replaced, both of the final hires were able to learn the basics of their jobs, and get onto production incentive pay very quickly-in one case 90 days, the other 120 days. And I might add, are more productive than the people they replaced!!
More recently, we hired a new Accounting & Tax Manager. He was able to complete the LMS and be productive in less than 2 weeks. I highly recommend this LMS program-it has been a game changer for us!